Log in to your Binance account and go to the "API Management" page. 1.

Click on the yellow tick bar (see image): 1.

A pop-up screen opens:
Binance offers the ability to turn off the "Default Security Controls for Unrestricted API Keys", which is precisely what we will do. To do this, simply scroll down the right-hand side of the pop-up window and mark the text as read. You can then check the yellow box and select "Confirm".
Then there will be a new pop-up with a “Risk Warning”, so that you are really aware that you are deviating from the default settings: Choose “Confirm”:
Click on the "Create New API Key" button.
Enter a label for the API key.
Leave the "Restrict Access to IPs" field empty to disable IP restriction.
Select the desired permissions for the API key.
Scroll down to the "IP Access Restriction" section and untick the "Unrestricted" checkbox to disable IP restriction.
Scroll down to the "Trading & Withdrawal" section and untick the "Enable Trading" and "Enable Withdrawals" checkboxes to disable trading and withdrawals via the API.
Click the "Create" button.
Your new API key and secret will be displayed on the screen.